About angeldrjoseph

I want to be a Anestesiologist. Im one of the most fun, funny but deidcated and smart person I know.

Day 9

Now that the program is ending, 3 health professions came online to tell us about their experiences, journey to where they were now and how they beat the obstacles they had to overcome.

The 1st represtenative was Ms. Mary Badillo. Her parents never really supported her but still took care of herself. She has 5 succesful older brother, all from the hard work their parents did to support them. When she took the MCAT, she got accepted to Yale, Cornell and many other schools but she went to Cornell. She put alot of work into it and she got alot of luck from God, so it goes.  The 2 other supervisors were very inspiring too but Ms. Badillo went in to much detail. Right now Ms. Badillo is a Emergency Doctor so she work in the ER.

Day 8

Today Was another Awesome day with MIM Online becuase we were discussing more heart disease but monstly about Cardiac Arrest, a subject im really in to and its symptoms and more heart conditions plus some medical procedures.

380,000 people die every year of Cardiac Arrest! That means 1,000 people die each day. 95% of victims die before medical attention is provided. Two ways to treat Cardiac Arrest is CPR or a Defibulator. CPR is short for Cardiac Pulmonary Resesitation where you put one hand over the other and force pressure, representing a pacemaker and after 30 pushes you mouth to mouth twice and repeat. Cause’s of a Cardiac Arrest are usally caused by Heart attacks or an Arrhythimia. Arrhythimia’s are usally caused by fibulations of the nerves that change the original pacemaker of your heart. These pacemakers are your Sinoartrial Node, your Atrioventricular Node and your HIS Bundle.

Day 7

Today was cool but it was not alot i didnt known except one topic. They talked bout heart attacks and How to become a Bio-medical Engineer. Since I wasnt really into Bio-Medicine, I wasnt as intrested but was still intreged about what they did.

We talked about Heart Disease, like a Heart Attack or another term, Miocardial Infarction.  We alos talked about Coronary Artery Disease. Usally cassed by Asteperosis, or plaque build up on the walls of blood vessels and Fibrosis/ Blood clots. Bio-Meds MAKE all the advance utencils, materials and devices all doctors use. Theres also other Bio-Meds that Tissue Engineer and Genetic Engineer.

Day 6

Today was exciting going into the dept of a Heart Condition and How to become our dream health profession. Even though I left early, I learned alot about hypertension and came back to read the presentation about how to achieve my goal to be a Anesthesiologist.

Hypertension is another word for High blood pressure. A normal blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. The top number of the fraction is the Systolic Number, the pressure your heart raches when it pumps out and the lower, the Diastotic Number, its the pressure your heart reaches when it relaxes. Blood pressure is measured with a Sphgmomanometer. If your blood pressure is 140/90, you are considered to be hypertensive and at risk for other cardiovascular diseases. In the presentation about how to become a medical profession was just a reminder of everything I know I have to do to reach my dream. I have to be passionate and I have to be ready to work all sorts of work.

Day 5

Even though today is friday the 13th, MIM Online program was nothing but great. Today we reviewed the Cardiovascular system, Systemic and pulmonary.  Then we discussed our heart rate and different conditions like sickle cell and diabetes.

I didnt learn much today but mostly reviewed everything I did know like the average bpm (beat per minute)  or the heart rate of a normal person is 60 -100 and increses when the body ask for more oxygen. Sickle cell could be treated by a blood transplant with normal blood but; people with sickle cell is immune to meleria!.

Day 4

Another great day at MIM Online Completed. Even better is that I am getting more involved with classmates so we could help each other out. Today we reviewed the Anatomy of the Heart, Dissected a Cow Heart!, and learned about the circulatory system.

There are 4 componets that make up blood. Red blood cells, white blode cells, platlets and plasma. Red blood cells are cells that contain hemoglobin that transports oxygen and nutrients to muscles in the whole body. White blood cells are cells that fight pathogens that enter the body that is harmful. Platlets are cells that help blood clots to close open cuts that leads to blood leaving your body. Plasma is the liquid part of the blood that transports all the cells to where they need to go. 45% of our blood is red blood cells and the rest of the 55% is Plasma.  I also learned that histamine in cells causes allergies; when the thing your allergic to do gets to a receptor, the histamine leaves the cells and causes stuffy noses, watery eyes, sneezing, sore throat etc.


Day 3

Day 3 was mostly into the heart and signing in to WordPress.com. Today was a amazing lesson with the videos and all the powerpoint presentaions. I learned about the anatomy of the heart but in detail. We learned mainly about the 4 chambers and the 4 valves that make up the heart.

The Heart is made up of 4 chambers, Two on the left and two on the right.  The right side of the heart handles de-oxygenated blood and the left side handles oxygenated blood.  Peri-Cardio mean the perimeter of the heart. Mio-Cardio is the muscles of the heart and Endo-Cardio is the inside of the heart. The Right Atruim takes in the deoxygented blood and the Right Ventricle pumps the deoxygenated blood to the lungs. Then the Left Atruim recieves the oxygenated blood from the lungs and then the left ventricle send the blood to aorta so be send to the whole body, then repeats. The valves are need to keep blood from backflowing back into the heart. The 4 valves are the tricuspid, pulmonary, motral and aortic, all inbetween each chamber. We also learned how to make our own websites and our own blogs, which im writing on right now. Hope for more lessons and hope to get smarter by each one.