Day 8

Today Was another Awesome day with MIM Online becuase we were discussing more heart disease but monstly about Cardiac Arrest, a subject im really in to and its symptoms and more heart conditions plus some medical procedures.

380,000 people die every year of Cardiac Arrest! That means 1,000 people die each day. 95% of victims die before medical attention is provided. Two ways to treat Cardiac Arrest is CPR or a Defibulator. CPR is short for Cardiac Pulmonary Resesitation where you put one hand over the other and force pressure, representing a pacemaker and after 30 pushes you mouth to mouth twice and repeat. Cause’s of a Cardiac Arrest are usally caused by Heart attacks or an Arrhythimia. Arrhythimia’s are usally caused by fibulations of the nerves that change the original pacemaker of your heart. These pacemakers are your Sinoartrial Node, your Atrioventricular Node and your HIS Bundle.

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